PartiesWishmaker’s BallBy Site Staff - June 7, 2017Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Barb Gallo, Michelle Eddy, Lesley Colantonio Rette Stockin, Trish Hilbrandes, Vik and Dolly Bajnath, M.C. Schmieding, Jim Shannon Meg Thornberry, Terry Fadely Glenn and Amy Frith Ksenija and Tom White Cotton Rick and Brenda Brown, Ginger and Richard Craven Tom and Jane Uttley Vincent and Diann Keeys Kim and Rob ForsytheEleventh Annual Wishmaker’s Ball, “An Evening in Paris”Date: January 14, 2017Venue: The Ritz Carlton Golf Resort, NaplesBenefiting: Make A Wish Southern FloridaPhotography by Charlie McDonald PhotographySponsored by Naples Illustrated Facebook CommentsI agree to my Facebook data being stored and used as per Privacy Policy
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