Flock Together | Feathered Home Decor

Feathers are popping up in home decor.


Supper Time

This delicate and airy feather-printed white linen napkin ($80 for set of four) by Huddleson Linens makes for a beautiful table display. (877-404-6763, shophorne.com)

One of a Kind

Feather-printed pillows are a dime a dozen. But, Aviva Stanoff’s peacock pillow ($350) is truly unique, for it features a real peacock feather hand pressed into silk velvet. (718-422-1262, avivastanoff.com)

Birds of a Feather

Add some plumage to your meal with Arhaus‘ feather cheese knives ($30) made from nickel-plated brass. Arhaus, Naples (239-435-3569, arhaus.com)

Pop Art

This feather headdress ($525) from Jonathan Adler is a vibrant addition to any space and comes in a variety of colors including burnt orange, fuchsia, beige and turquoise. Jonathan Adler, Miami (305-576-0200, jonathanadler.com)

All Tied Up

Bundle your napkins with the Juliska feather napkin ring ($38), which features real plumage. Bloomingdale’s locations (800-777-0000, bloomingdales.com)

Tick Tock

Time flies when you have this feather clock ($210) by L’Atelier D’Exercices. The hands are made from real partridge and pheasant feathers. Saks Fifth Avenue locations (877-551-7257, saksfifthavenue.com)

On a Feather Platter

Serve up delicious appetizers in Michael Aram‘s feather tray ($99), made of black nickelplate. Bloomingdale’s locations (800-777-0000, bloomingdales.com)

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