PartiesGolisano Children’s HospitalBy Site Staff - February 4, 2020Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Scott Spiezle, Stephanie Pezeshkan, Larry Courtnage Adam Gerry, Jamie Dockweiler, Mark Chandler, Ron Cindrich Cathy and Mike Haffey Jason Stephens, Rebecca Lambert, JonathAn Sonne Armando LlechU, Anne Frazier, Larry Antonucci Jay Hartington, Paul Simeone, John Quinn Char DeLuca, Laurie Youmans Darlenn and Rudy Ayan Jennifer McCurry, Ashley Gerry, Jennifer Parisi Rufino Hernandez, P.J. Fuerstman MeyerWHAT: Farm to Table Cultivation DinnerSUPPORTS: Pediatric and behavioral health care at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida.WHERE: At the Naples home of Ashley and Adam GerryFacebook CommentsI agree to my Facebook data being stored and used as per Privacy Policy
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