Jill Kushner, Donna Marcotte, Pam Hermanek, Savannah Kushner
Nate and Lauren Cox
Wendy and Wayne Staley
Jennifer McCurry, Mackenzie Herrick
Alex Khowaylo, Gayle and John Chomeau
Serena and Jennifer Parisi
Emmanuel and Lillian Kai-Lewis
Matt and Deborah Sellick
Karen Locke, Rachel Kaduk
Suzanne and Jim Gardner, Karen and Don Droke
Katie and Peter O’Flinn
Donald Dilauro, John Rudnick, Juan Diaz
Angela Melvin, Cindy Ekonomov
Ross and Heather Schulman
West McCann, Cherry Smith, Marty and John Howard
Susan Goldy, Scott Spiezle, Larry and Becky Antonucci
Kellie Jacoby, Kaleigh Grover, Renée Gaddis
Brian and Jess Massoll , Susan and Jason Meixel
Sarah and Al Russo, Michelle and Rick Gomez What: Kids’ Minds Matter Secret Garden Gala
Supports: Pediatric mental and behavioral health care at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida, a part of Lee Health.
Where: Shangri-La Springs, Bonita Springs. The event was sponsored by Naples Illustrated.
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