Due to normal aging, gravity, heredity or childbirth, you may be noticing some changes in your lower region that are beginning to feel uncomfortable or bothersome in your everyday activities. You might be noticing irritation, that your clothes are unexpectedly rubbing or that you’re having trouble wearing your yoga pants in public. These issues might start to creep into your intimate moments and you might even begin to see a loss of confidence in your body. If you’re experiencing these issues then you already know the exact problem we’re talking about just as many other women in Naples do.
That’s right. We are talking about the area of your body that no one wants to talk about. It’s the delicate and often overlooked labia or area outside of your vagina that consists of the labia minora and labia majora. When these lip-like areas begin to change, you might notice that one side is larger than the other, that one side (or both sides) of the labia is stretched or that the area around your hairline is puffed up or has lost volume. All of these issues may be causing pain to both your body and your mind.
If this sounds like what you’re going through, there are many many women in Naples with the same issue and there’s a simple and very minimally invasive plastic surgery procedure called “labiaplasty” that can help you get your feminine area back to a toned, tightened appearance. It has become an incredibly popular procedure but no one talks about it as it is obviously very personal. Let’s take a look at this revolutionary female cosmetic procedure and how labiaplasty can work for you.
Video: About Labiaplasty
In this video, Dr. Ennis explains the labiaplasty and why you may benefit from labiaplasty.
Learning About Labiaplasty
A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that works for the two parts of your vagina known as the labia minora and the labia majora. This is different from surgery inside the vagina that works to correct problems like pelvic floor issues and laxity. Instead, this cosmetic procedure works to make the area look beautiful and symmetrical all while restoring a more youthful appearance to the vagina. It also helps reduce bothersome symptoms and pain in the area caused by stretched or redundant areas.
Surgery on the labia minora helps to make the lip-like area trimmed and even. There are two procedures that are the most common for handling this area.
- The “trim method” is a procedure that for lack of a better description cuts off or trims the darkened areas of the lips off to create a smaller, thinner appearance. This procedure is often used by Gyn surgeons but may not preserve the sensation and cuts off the natural edge of the labis
- With the posterior wedge procedure, the natural edge of the labia minora is preserved which also preserves the sensation, a very important goal for this special area. The posterior wedge is the prefered method of most plastic surgeons including Dr Ennis as it preserves the natural edge of the labia as well the sensation. This is often combined with a hoodectomy to further enhance the sensation in the intimate area.
- For those that have noticed a loss of volume, you might consider having a fat transfer procedure that takes fat from another area and adds it back in to give a beautiful, full look to the labia majora.
There are options for anesthesia depending on your preference. Some patients prefer to be asleep under anesthesia for the procedure but most have it done in the clinic while they are awake or with a small dose of Valium. Dr. Ennis has a topical numbing cream that works amazingly well. This is applied approximately 30 min prior to the procedure and many patients state that it was really quite easy and they hardly felt a thing.
Video on Trim vs Wedge Method
In this video Dr. Ennis details the two methods for labiaplasty surgery, trim vs wedge.
Loving Your Labiaplasty Results
Since labiaplasty is a fairly routine surgery without a lot of downtime, you’ll be back to your regular work schedule in about 3 to 4 days. Most patients are back in the gym in 7 – 10 days. You may have some swelling and discomfort but all should return back to normal within about 6 weeks after your surgery. You’ll just want to avoid sexual activity during this time as you heal and recover. Once you notice your area returning back to normal, you’ll be thrilled with the results. You’ll love how young and fresh the area looks.
Sharing Your Secret
As more and more women in the Naples area begin to share about their labiaplasty procedure, the more it becomes common knowledge and much less mysterious. If you’re having any trouble with that area, you don’t need to worry at all about reaching out with all your questions. The ladies at Ennis Plastic Surgery will speak candidly with you about the procedure so don’t hesitate to any and all questions.
At Ennis Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton, Florida, we are lucky to have a highly-renowned surgeon who has extensive experience performing labiaplasties. . Dr. L. Scott Ennis has been named one of America’s Top Plastic Surgeons, one of the Ten Best Plastic Surgeons in Florida based on patient reviews and Realself’s Top 100 cosmetic surgeons in the Country. Dr. Ennis and the team at Ennis Plastic Surgery love to guide you on the process to finding the treatments that work for you. To learn more, visit: https://www.ennismd.com
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