Ludger Henesath, Tara Fedorko, Wendy Aguilera, Jeff Blanchett, Nina Azwoir, Christine Smith
Lisa Morse, Amanda Beights, Kamela Patton
Maria Jimenez-Lara, Bob Edwards
Rayna and Mladen Stoev
Grant and Christin McKay
Ellen and Bob Schmidt
Jaime Buitrago, Megan McCarthy Beauvais, Jose Hernandez
Bob and Terry Edwards, Nathalie Remillard, Natalie Artimez, Leta Langevin, Charlie Sauer
Allison Durian, Scott Burgess
Valerie Boyd, Jeff Gargiulo
Bill and Nena Beynon, Retta and Elliott Singer
Christine Smith, Wendy Aguilera
Meredith Narayanan, Justin Copertino
Kellie Jacoby, Anne Fleming
Natalie Artimez, Tyler Johnson
Teresa Stohs, Brad Heiges
What: Celebrity Startender Series, which features local luminaries tending bar for charity
Supports: NCEF programs that benefit charitable efforts to improve the physical, emotional, and educational lives of underprivileged and at-risk children in Collier County.
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