While its unique geometric shape makes it the perfect garnish for a stylish cocktail, the star fruit (or carambola) deserves a starring role in your diet thanks to its nutrition prowess and refreshing taste. A single medium-size star fruit has only 28 calories and 6 grams of carbs and is rich in vitamin C and fiber. The fruit, which can be consumed skin and all, delivers a sweet taste with a tart undertone that some liken to a mélange of apple, pear, grape, and citrus-family fruits. While the species of tree is native to Southeast Asia, it does thrive in Southwest Florida. Golden Gate Nursery in Naples sells star fruit trees, although availability is limited so call before visiting. Once you’ve acquired your star fruit, incorporate it into a tropical dessert, breakfast, salad, drink—the possibilities are endless. Read on for a recipe for Florida Fruit Sangria, courtesy of Fresh from Florida, a program from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Florida Fruit Sangria
Courtesy of Fresh from Florida
1 bottle Florida wine
1-2 cups Florida orange juice
1-2 cups Florida berries (such as strawberries and/or blueberries)
1-2 cups cubed Florida fruit (such as watermelon, passion fruit, papaya, and/or mango)
1-2 cups sliced Florida fruit (such as star fruit and/or muscadine grapes)
1-2 cups ginger ale
Pour the Florida wine and orange juice into a large pitcher. Add all of the Florida fruit except the berries. Place in the refrigerator to chill. Before serving add the Florida berries and ginger ale. Serve in a tall glass over ice.
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