Photography by Vanessa Rogers
While a stroll amid the splendor of the Naples Botanical Garden’s individual gardens and nature sanctuary dazzles the senses, a butterfly’s-eye-view of the flora reveals an otherworldly exotic beauty. Take a close-up look at some of the Garden’s floral gems and tiny winged creatures in these intimate portraits.
The Naples Botanical Garden reopens to the public October 23, following completion of the new Eleanor and Nicholas Chabraja Visitor Center. For more, click here.
Tropical Day Blooming Water Lily (Nymphaea): Found in the Water Garden, this fragrant aquatic pond plant blooms year-round and offers a striking variation, from its spectacular shape and size to its splashy color and blooming patterns.
Persian Shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus), featured in the Asian Garden, is a cold-sensitive plant from Myanmar treasured for its bold violet leaves.
Queen’s Wreath (Petrea volubilis) is a tropical flower often cultivated as a climbing vine or rounded shrub, perfect for hanging baskets. The dainty lilac blooms can be found in the Caribbean Garden.
Purple Queen (Iochroma cyanea) is a striking tube flower seen in the Brazilian Garden.
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), also known as Lady’s Glove, offers a stunning pink hue and leopard-spotted interior that attracts hummingbirds.
Tickseed (Coreopsis lanceolata) is a cultivar of the state’s wildflower, with rich red blossoms that attract bees.
Blue Porterweed (Stachytarpheta) is a low-growing plant producing tiny purple flowers that are a popular source of nectar for butterflies.
Star Flower (Pentas lanceolata) grows in bright clusters that appeal to butterflies and hummingbirds.
Moth Orchids (Phalaenopsis), found throughout Naples Botanical Garden, are one of the longest blooming species of the orchid genera with bright blooms that can last several months. This trait, along with its unique color variation, make it a popular houseplant.
Popcorn Senna (Senna didymobotrya) is a species from central and eastern Africa with a surprisingly unique scent.
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